As reported in the LBLA Newletter, April 2008:
Thirty-seven years ago, the Lobdell-Bennett Lake Association was begun by a group of lake residents. Maurice "Stub" Wilson was one of those residents.
Stub has worked hard for the lake issues over all those years and is the only one of those charter members to remain faithful. Stub has worked hard for each issue: sewers, weed control, stump removal, lake level i.e. buying the Mill and water rights, selling the mill and retaining the water rights, the dock ordinance, and now lake safety and dam repairs.
Stub began having health issues and has had to cut back some from the lake board. A group of members on the lake board felt we should recognize Stub for his long service. Out of this discussion, it was decided to honor him with a plaque and award it in his honor. Thus, on October 24, 2007, the award known as the
"Lobdell-Bennett Lake Association Stub Wilson Dedication Award" was presented to Stub.
Stub is the first recipient, but each year at the annual meeting, a new person is added to the plaque, in recognition to their long standing dedication to the improvement of the lakes. ""
The Argentine Township Board agreed to the prominent display of the plaque at the left of the entry door to the meeting room in the Argentine Township Hall.
Maurice “Stub” Wilson died February 23, 2019, but memories of his dedication will live on.
Tom's dedication to the lakes and the association has been above and beyond. We sincerely appreciate his efforts. Please take a moment to congratulate Tom.
2020 Larry King
2019 Paul McEwen and John Varilek
2018 Rick Kursik
2017 Kristen Bond
2016 Marty Vyskocil
2015 Jim Alchin
2014 Mike Hughes 2013 John Lescelius 2012 Tony Minetal 2011 Roger Kelly 2010 Sue McEwen 2009 Cathy Mashburn 2008 Norm Schmidt
2007 Maurice "Stub" Wilson